
Information technologies in energy and agro-industrial complex

October 2 - 4, 2024

The purpose of the conference is to discuss trends in the development and application of modern information technologies in energy and agriculture, exchange of experience in implementing innovative information technologies that increase the efficiency of resource and energy consumption, use of renewable energy sources, project management, environmental, economic and energy assessment of technologies and technics, design of computer, energy and technical systems in certain industries.

The thematic area of the conference includes a wide range of theoretical and practical aspects of the application of information technologies in the energy sector, including renewable energy, modern energy-saving technologies of the agro-industrial complex, etc., which will be presented in the following sections:

Papers devoted to trends in the development and applied use of modern information technologies in the energy and agricultural industry will be recommended for discussion at the 4th Workshop Information Technologies in Energy and Agro-industrial Complex by the decision of the scientific committee. The materials of the Workshop are planned to be published on the platform, which is indexed in the scient-metric database Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar.

Organizers of the Conference

Location of the Conference: In 2024, the conference will be held online.